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Module 1 Course Project Proposal

Module 1 Course Project Proposal

Q Course Project Proposal By the end of SOC101, you will complete a college-level, APA format, academic research paper (1000-1200 words not including title or reference pages) discussing ONE sociological theory that applies to your chosen field of work. The first step in this process is to research, visit Start Your Research Here Links to an external site., to explore possible topics. Submit a topic proposal using the proposal guide below. Step 1: Choose a topic 1. 1. Choose a sociological theory perspective that would or does relate to your (current or future) field of work. 2. Below is a list of sociological theory perspectives and what you could address in your paper. Conflict theory How is power distributed at your workplace? Does the power distribution seem appropriate for your workplace? Why or why not, and what changes would you recommend if not? Be sure to explain who is in what role or give examples when answering this question (no names, just titles). Functionalism In regards to your career aspirations and workplace as a whole, what parts of society function together to make the system work well for the patients or clients, and why? Justify and support your response. Feminist Theory Are men and women treated equally in your career of choice? How is equal or unequal treatment obvious or noticeable? If there is a level of inequality, why do you think this is this occurring? Does gender even play a role anymore given the current labels? Differential Association (or Labeling Theory) What deviant behaviors by coworkers, superiors or clients do you need to be aware of in your future career? Are there any deviant behaviors that are more common? If so, why? Symbolic interactionism In your career choice, what is the main source of communication between co-workers? Superiors and subordinates? Professionals and patients? Could it be improved, and if so how? Justify your response. Step 2: Find TWO resources on the topic you are choosing. 1. 1. Find TWO academic articles (that you will read) from the Carrington Online Library Links to an external site.or Google Scholar that discusses your topic choice. ?HINT: Find information about your topic from the course text and cite those pages! A college textbook is a credible source! 2. This is not an opinion paper- you must support your thesis and ideas with credible articles you find from professional publications. I have listed a few links below to guide you in the right direction. As long as the source is credible (a University, a major publication, a credible website), you can cite it! ? ? Nursing Made Incredibly EasyLinks to an external site. ? The American NurseLinks to an external site. ? NursingTimes.netLinks to an external site. ? Todays Veterinary Practicenks to an external site. ? PetVet MagazineLinks to an external site. ? VetTimesLinks to an external site. ? American Dental AssociationLinks to an external site. ? American Dental Hygienist AssociationLinks to an external site. Step 3: Submit your completed Topic Proposal ?Answer the following questions in full sentences and submit them to this assignment: 1. 1. What is your topic choice? ? ? Be specific! Don’t state “Nursing and Symbolic Theory” What part of the theory will you focus on exactly and what aspect of the job are you applying it to? (This will take a little research). 2. Define the theory you are using. • o ? ? Put the definition in your own words as you understand it. ? Be sure to cite the definition to support your explanation of the theory. 3. Discuss the connection between the sociological topic you chose and how it relates to your (current or future) field of work. 4. Put the full APA citation of the two references you found about your topic. Be sure you LINK the webpage so when I click on the web address, it takes me directly to the actual publication you are using. 5. Below the reference, and in a brief (roughly 5-10 sentences) paragraph, explain why this is a good source. ? What information SPECIFICALLY will you be referencing from this article in your paper? ? Explain why the source is credible. 1. Is the author an expert in the field? How so? 2. Does the article relate to your job in the US or whatever country you will be working in? How so? 3. Is the article recent (in the past 8 years)? 4. Is the article on your topic specifically? How so? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?? Template for your submission: My topic choice is ... This topic relates to my future field of work because... The references I will use to support my topic choice: [Insert APA style reference] This reference is credible because it is (written by/published on)... This reference has information about... [Insert APA style reference] This reference is credible because it is (written by/published on)... This reference has information about... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE of what your final submission should resemble: The topic for my Sociology Course Proposal is to investigate how Feminist Theory applies to Nursing. According to the textbook for this class, feminist theory originated by looking at women in society and their status to discover how to better their lives. Feminist theory has morphed into including men to understand more about their role in society. So basically, the feminist theory is the study of gender and how it affects social behaviors (2020, Anderson et. al,) This topic relates to my future field of work because I am studying to become a nurse. Nursing started out as a career that was held by women, In the past decade or so, more and more males are becoming nurses. I am interested to see how the experience of being a nurse is different for men and women who choose nursing as a career. Source 1: Androus, Amanda (2022). Male vs Female Nurse Salary Phenomena. Registered Nursing. to an external site. This is a reputable source because the articles are written by registered nurses. This article has information about how pay is different between male and female nurses. Source 2: Chinn, P. L., & Wheeler, C. E. (1985). Feminism and nursing - united states national library of medicine. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from to an external site. The is a reputable source because the National Library of Medicine is the world's largest biomedical library and a leader in research in computational health informatics. This article has really good information about the history of feminism in nursing, defines the feminist theory, and talks about how the feminist theory and nursing theory are related. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Facts, quotes, ideas, etc. that are borrowed from a resource or resources other than personal experiences must be cited in proper APA format in your response. You can access Citation and Writing Assistance: Writing Papers at Carrington (Links to an external site.) for information about sources and APA format and read about Avoid Plagiarism (Links to an external site.) in the Carrington College Library. It is often helpful to submit your work to (Links to an external site.) for assistance with writing. This assignment will be graded using the Course Project Proposal Rubric. Rubric Course Project Proposal Course Project Proposal Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA topic is clearly identified and is appropriately related to the field of sociology. 10 pts Excellent 6 pts Satisfactory 4 pts Needs Improving 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA brief discussion on the connection between your sociological topic and your field of work is provided (One paragraph) 10 pts Excellent 7.5 pts Satisfactory 3.75 pts Needs Improving 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle 1: An academic article from the Carrington Online Library or Google Scholar is provided along with an APA citation in correct format. 10 pts Excellent 6 pts Satisfactory 4 pts Needs Improving 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle 2: An academic article from the Carrington Online Library or Google Scholar is provided along with an APA citation in correct format. 10 pts Excellent 6 pts Satisfactory 4 pts Needs Improving 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality/Format Proper format, grammar, spelling, and punctuation 5 pts Excellent 3.75 pts Satisfactory 1.25 pts Needs Improving 0 pts No Marks 5 pts Total Points: 45 PreviousNext

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My topic choice is “The Importance of Interaction in Nursing.” According to the textbook, the emphasis on immediate social interaction as the setting in which "society" arises comes from symbolic engagement (Andersen, 2020). People give meaning to their behavior because of their ability to reflect on humans. They analyze various social acts, events, and occurrences by creating meaning for them (Andersen, 2020). The term "symbolic interaction" refers to a process in which people engage with one another in which they build and use symbolic meaning. Interaction is necessary to be a part of society (Andersen, 2020). This topic relates to my future field of work because I am studying nursing, and being a part of this profession, I feel interaction, communication, and healthy relationship is crucial. Nurses have to interact with patients and doctors, and this relationship can be well explained through symbolic interactionism.